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Textbook Affordability Heroes

Highlighting UAA and APU faculty who have gone above and beyond for their students in relation to zero-textbook cost (ZTC) courses, open educational resources (OER), or open education more broadly.

In This Guide

Textbook Affordability Heroes: Researchers

UAA and APU faculty move beyond adopting or creating zero-cost course materials to researching, writing about, and presenting on topics related to textbook affordability and open education. By communicating with national and international audiences, these faculty help move the needle on reducing textbook costs and improving equity and student success. When faculty engage in the broader scholarly conversation it ultimately leads to improved outcomes locally. (Presented in date order, members of the UAA or APU community in bold with their department in parentheses.)

University of Alaska Anchorage

Journal Articles

Leslie C. Redmond (Dietetics & Nutrition) and Veronica J. Howard (Psychology). (2021). Open educational resource-enabled pedagogy to improve student outcomes in nutrition course. Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior, 53(7), 631-634.

Veronica J. Howard (Psychology) and Corrie B. Whitmore (Population Health Sciences). (2020). Evaluating student perceptions of open and commercial psychology textbooks [Special issue: Research in Underexamined Areas of Open Educational Resources]. Frontiers in Education.

Veronica J. Howard (Psychology). (2019). Open educational resources in behavior analysis [Special issue: Diversity and Inclusion]. Behavior Analysis in Practice, 12, 839-853.


Other Publications

Veronica J. Howard (Psychology) and D'Arcy Hutchings (Library). (2020). The Alaska Open Education Initiative. Association of College and Research Libraries (ACRL) OER Roadshow nationwide training curriculum. (Paper).

Veronica J. Howard (Psychology). (2018). Front-loading student success with OER and course design. OpenStax Blog. (Blog Post).


Conference Presentations

Jeffry Crews (Student), Emily Cohen (Student), Hannah Bissett (Student), D'Arcy Hutchings (Library), and Veronica J. Howard (Psychology). (October 2022). Developing a Student-Led Textbook Affordability Advocacy Program. Open Education Conference, online.

Veronica J. Howard (Psychology) and D'Arcy Hutchings (Library). (October 2022). Maintaining a Robust Faculty OER Adoption Program Under Challenging Conditions. Open Education Conference, online.

Grace M. Leu-Burke (Medical Laboratory Science). (March 2022). Using Open Education Resources: Taking the plunge without drowning. Clinical Laboratory Educators Conference, Denver, CO.

Gregory Hartley (Writing). (March 2022). Meaningful Writing with the Simple English Wikipedia. TESOL International 2022 Convention, Pittsburgh, PA.

Veronica J. Howard (Psychology) and D'Arcy Hutchings (Library). (October 2021). Developing a robust faculty OER adoption program under challenging conditions. Open Education Conference, online.

R.S. Potter and Veronica J. Howard (Psychology). (July 2021). Curated and Student-Generated OER Content: Replicable Strategies that Consider Cultural Context. Open Education Southern Symposium, online.

Veronica J. Howard (Psychology), R.S. Potter, and M.A. Dannevik-Pavone. (October 2020). Evoking Curiosity for Curated, Collaborative, and Consumer-Created Content. Open Education Conference, online.

Leslie C. Redmond (Dietetics & Nutrition) and Veronica J. Howard (Psychology). (April 2020). Students as OER Creators: The Ultimate Engagement Activity. Quality Matters (QM) Regional Conference West, online.

Veronica J. Howard (Psychology). (October 2019). Open Educational Resources in Behavior Analysis. Open Education Conference, Phoenix, AZ.

A. Nusbaum, Veronica J. Howard (Psychology), J. Van Allen, and S. Katz. S. (October 2019). We Three OEPs: Three New Projects in Open  Engaged Pedagogy. Open Education Conference, Phoenix, AZ.

M.A. Dannevik-Pavone, R. Sain, and Veronica J. Howard (Psychology). (May 2019). Behavior Analysis and Open Educational Resources. Association for Behavior Analysis International annual meeting, Chicago, IL.

Veronica J. Howard (Psychology). (October 2018). Student perceptions of open and commercial psychology textbooks. Open Education Conference, Niagara Falls, NY.

Veronica J. Howard (Psychology). (October 2018). Delivering robust online learning using open educational resources. Open Education Conference, Niagara Falls, NY.

Veronica J. Howard (Psychology) and Tessa M. Endes (Student). (October 2017). Is the price still right? A continuing evaluation of open versus traditional textbooks on student performance. Open Education Conference, Anaheim, CA.

Tessa M. Endes (Student) and Veronica J. Howard (Psychology), (November 2016). Is the price still right? A continuing evaluation of open versus traditional textbooks on student performance. Open Education Conference, Richmond, VA.


Other Presentations

B. Meinke-Lau, Veronica J. Howard (Psychology), & B. Tillinghast. (January 2021). The Development, Use, and Exploration of Open Educational Resources in Higher Education. International Academic Forum International Conference on Arts & Humanities, online. (Presentation).

Veronica J. Howard (Psychology) and R.S. Potter. (November 2020). Sharp Inequities: Open Educational Resources to Support Diverse Student Representation. Uncomfortable X practice group, online. (Presentation).

Veronica J. Howard (Psychology), R.S. Potter, and M.A. Dannevik-Pavone. (October 2020) Expanding Access to Behavior Analysis Through Open Educational Resources. Association for Behavior Analysis International Culturo-Behavior Science Conference. (Poster Presentation.)

Cooper, A., Gooch, B., Hoag, W., & Veronica J. Howard (Psychology). (October 2020). Culture shift to academic freedom. Community College Consortium for OER webinar series on Equity, Diversity, & Inclusion. (Panel Discussion)

C.E. Nava, T.A. Fahmie, and Veronica J. Howard (Psychology). (August 2020). Open-Enabled Pedagogy to Promote Culturally Informed Teaching. Association for BehaviorAnalysis International Open Educational Resources special interest group, online. (Workshop/Training).

M.A. Dannevik-Pavone, Veronica J. Howard (Psychology), B. Bishop, R. Sain, K. McCafferty, B.R. Sutter, and L. Wilson. (July 2020). The Search for an OER: A Mystery CEU. Association for Behavior Analysis International Open Educational Resources special interest group, online. (Workshop/Training).

M.A. Dannevik-Pavone, Veronica J. Howard (Psychology), R. Sain. (May 2020). The Role of OERs in Dissemination of Behavior Analysis.  Presented for the Association for Behavior Analysis International Dissemination of Behavior Analysis special interest group, online. (Workshop/Training).

M.A. Dannevik-Pavone, Veronica J. Howard (Psychology), R. Sain. (March 2020). Creative Commons Licensing and the Ethics of OERs. Presented for the Association for Behavior Analysis International Open Educational Resources special interest group. (Workshop/Training).

Veronica J. Howard (Psychology). (May 2018). A Call for Open Educational Resources in Behavior Analysis. Association for Behavior Analysis International annual meeting, San Diego, CA. (Poster Presentation.)

Tessa M. Endes (Student) and Veronica J. Howard (Psychology). (April 2016). Is the price right? A pilot evaluation of open versus traditional textbooks on student performance. Behavioral Sciences Conference of the North, Anchorage, AK. (Poster Presentation.)

Alaska Pacific University

None yet reported.


Criteria for Inclusion

Publications (book chapters, journal articles, etc.) and presentations (to national or international audiences) on topics directly related to textbook affordability and open education topics are added to this list when they are reported to D'Arcy Hutchings. If you are aware of something that you feel should be listed here, please reach out so it can be reviewed and added!

Contact Me

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D'Arcy Hutchings
Instructional Design & Open Education Librarian,
Associate Professor