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Students of Other Universities

Library services for students of universities other than UAA or APU.

Services for Students of Other Universities

Students at universities other than UAA & APU have access to all services available to the public. Students at the following universities have access to additional services as listed below.



Creighton, East Carolina & Idaho State Wayland Baptist University
Door swipe access to the library Yes Yes ² Yes ²  
After-hours study access with student ID Yes Yes Yes Yes ³
Printing with a WolfCard   Yes Yes  
Printing with a copy/print card Yes Yes Yes Yes
Off-campus access to resources   Yes Yes  
On-campus access to resources Yes Yes Yes Yes
Borrow materials Yes Yes
Login to library computers Yes Yes Yes
Login to IT Lab computers   Yes Yes  
Interlibrary Loan via UAA   Yes Yes  
Study Room access   Yes Yes  

¹ WWAMI students are eligible for these services while enrolled in UAA classes. After this, students have access to services through University of Washington.

² If your WolfCard does not work for card swipe access to the library, contact your program administrator at UAA.

³ Wayland Baptist University students may remain in the building for after-hours study. Wayland student IDs will not allow you to enter or re-enter the building during after-hours study.

Ask for assistance at the Research Help Desk. 

With a card from any Alaska Library Catalog member library.