Goals for library instruction, whether formal or informal, are aligned with the ACRL Framework for Information Literacy and delivered in-person or online. Outcomes are customized for each instruction session, interaction, or tutorial, and may vary based on discipline faculty request. The UAA/APU Consortium Library’s Information Literacy Instruction Program supports the teaching and research needs of faculty, staff, and the community, with emphasis on undergraduate and graduate students.
Library instruction at this level seeks to introduce baseline information literacy skills and to familiarize students with fundamental concepts. Topics covered include accessing and evaluating information effectively and efficiently. In the second year, the focus is strengthening and transferring skills from the previous year. This is also an opportunity to work with students we may not have worked with previously.
Library instruction at this level may introduce specialized or discipline-specific resources, advanced searching, and more sophisticated evaluative techniques. This is also an opportunity to work with students we may not have worked with previously.
Graduate instruction sessions focus on deepening the foundation of student information literacy skills, and on developing advanced specialized information literacy skills for their discipline.
This guide is maintained by Page Brannon.