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Teen Health Resources
Resource guide for Alaska teens and the adults in their lives.
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Resources for Teens and Families
About-Face's mission is to equip women and girls with tools to understand and resist harmful media messages that affect self-esteem and body image.
BodiMojo = Body + Motivation + Journey. Website about body confidence for teenagers, finding the special spark that keeps teens (13-18) motivated and inspired on the journey to a healthy and happy adulthood.
Body Confidence
A project by Seventeen magaizine aimed at inspiring readers to change negative views of their bodies.
Body Image
Webpage by Palo Alto Medical Foundation.
Body Image and Self-Esteem
TeensHealth webpage.
A Guy's Guide to Body Image
TeensHealth webpage.
Julia Bluhm, 14, leads successful petition for Seventeen Magazine to portray girls truthfully
Online article from HuffPost Teen.
Nutrition, Fitness, and Appearance
Webpage from Rosen's Teen Health & Wellness (free for Alaskans).
Online community created by and for teens with the goal of promoting positive body image and encouraging healthy attitudes about food and weight.
Teen Body Image
Webpage by
Teen Development
Information resources from MedlinePlus.
Teen Development
Information resources from MedlinePlus.
Disordered Eating
Binge Eating Disorder
National organization focused on increasing prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of binge eating disorder and associated weight stigma.
Compulsive Exercise
When a healthy activity turns into an unhealthy compulsion. Information from
Eating Disorders
Webpage from Rosen's Teen Health & Wellness (free for Alaskans).
Eating Disorders
Information from MedlinePlus.
Eating Disorders
Webpage from Helpguide.
Eating Disorders
Information from Center for Eating Disorders at Sheppard Pratt.
Eating Disorders: About More Than Food
Publication by the National Institute of Mental Health and the National Institutes of Health.
If your adolescent has an eating disorder
Downloadable book from Annenberg Foundation Trust at Sunnylands' Adolescent Mental Health Initiative.
Mirror Mirror
Website originally created in 1997 by Colleen Thompson, while she was recovering from an eating disorder.
National Association of Anorexia Nervosa and Associated Disorders
ANAD's mission is to prevent and alleviate eating disorders.
National Eating Disorders Association
NEDA supports individuals and families affected by eating disorders, and serves as a catalyst for prevention, cures, and access to quality care.
National Eating Disorders Collaboration
Initiative of the Australian Government Department of Health.
Next to nothing: A firsthand account of one teenager's experience with an eating disorder
Downloadable book from Annenberg Foundation Trust at Sunnylands' Adolescent Mental Health Initiative.
A nurse's guide to anorexia and other eating disorders
Resource list from Regis College.
When food consumes you: Taking eating to extremes
NIH News in Health
, November 2017.
Body Art
Body Art
Teen health page from Palo Alto Medical Foundation.
Body Piercing
Information from TeensHealth.
Body Piercing
Webpage from Center for Young Women's Health.
For Educators
Coaches and trainers toolkit
Resource from National Eating Disorders Association.
Eating disorders during adolescence: Nutritional problems and interventions
Reference for healthcare professionals, students, and educators.
Articles of Interest
Browse articles by topic:
Body Satisfaction
Disordered Eating
Teen Development
Teens and Tattoos: Would You Let Your Teen Get Inked?
Line One: Eating Disorders
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