Federal initiative to promote positive and safe work experiences for teens by distributing information about young workers to youth, parents, employers and educators.
Film directed by Werner Herzog and presented by AT&T, Verizon, Sprint, and T-Mobile with the simple message not to text and drive (34:56 min). Listen to an interview with the director from NPR's Morning Edition, August 16, 2013.
KUAC podcast about a public outreach effort by a Fairbanks high school class on the dangers of distracted driving. Watch a short YouTube PSA that students produced.
BrainSTEPS (Strategies Teaching Educators, Parents, & Students) is a brain-injury school reentry consulting program created by the Pennsylvania Department of Health.
The Alaska Marine Safety Education Assocation provides training in schools interested in creating cold water safety and survival programs as well as to schoolteachers to provide this training as part of their curriculum.