Due to a wide variety of student needs, we have both quiet and interactive study spaces. Silent study areas are on the second floor in the new section of the building, along the wave shaped windows. If you need help finding a quiet area to study please ask for assistance at any of the public service desks, or look at our Library Floor Maps.
The library has 19 group study rooms, and during the pandemic we stopped using the reservation system and made the rooms available on a first come, first serve basis. We are monitoring room use, but at this time we have not re-established the 3-hour limits on group study rooms.
People often wonder about the purpose of these rooms. They are small research offices reserved for the semester by graduate students (Graduate Study Carrels). We have repurposed twelve of these rooms as individual study rooms, which can be used by any student on a first come, first serve basis.
In 2009 the library added an additional 100 seats. We’ve noticed during peak times (mid-terms and finals) that it can still be difficult to find a place to work in the library. We added more seating over the 2012 summer and fall semesters. If you still have trouble finding a spot to work please ask our Reference or Circulation staff about areas in the library where you may be able to find seating.
If the computers near the Reference Desk on the first floor are full, there are additional computers on the second floor of the library, and a computer lab in Room 105. In addition, you can check out laptops at the Circulation Desk for in-library or home use. If you can’t find a computer, please be sure to ask for help at one of the library’s public service desks.