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ATA A102 Introduction to Aviation: Career Resources

UAA Resources

Basic Search Tips That Can Save You Time

1.  Use Control-F (PC) or Command-F (Mac) to search for a word or phrase in a page of text.

2.  When on a page of links, click on a link with your RIGHT mouse button to open a contextual menu (on Macs, use Control-click, not Command) and choose 'Open in New Tab'; using this technique, you don't have to use your back button all of the time to get back to your page of results.  For example, you can use that technique to open each link in the 'Writing, Citing, and Evaluating' box in its own tab, and then quickly go through the tabs to find what looks most useful to you.  (You can often do the same thing by holding the Control or Command key down while using the left mouse button to click on each link, but that doesn't work on all pages.)

3.  In a Google search, site:domain will get results ONLY from that domain.  (i.e., alaska airlines careers)  You can find information provided by that company or resource.

4.  Also in a Google search, -site:domain will get results from everywhere EXCEPT that domain!  (i.e., alaska airlines careers)  This way, you can find information that comes from outside of a company that doesn't get swamped by results from the company itself.  This might be useful if you'd like to find opinions about working at a company that don't come from the company itself.

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Ralph Courtney

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