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GEOL 310: Professional Practices in Geology

This course guide provides information and resources to support GEOL 310 assignments.

How to use this Course Guide

Hello!  This Course Guide was developed specifically for Geology 310, Professional Practices in Geology.  Click on the 'Getting Started' tab above or links below for step-by-step instructions and tips on how to find relevant information for the course.


Contact me for help or if you have more questions:

Remember, you can always go to the Library's Get Help page for more information.

My contact information is on the right side of this page. I'm happy to help, so if you have questions, please:

  • Use the green 'Schedule Appointment" button to the right to reserve a day and time during my office hours: ALL APPOINTMENTS ARE VIRTUAL UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE.
    • Tuesdays 10 - 11:30am; 3:30 - 5pm
    • Wednesdays 10 - 11:30am
    • Fridays 2 - 3:30pm
  • If none of the above times work for you, contact me so we can set up an appointment at a time that's more convenient for your schedule.
  • Make sure you have read the information in this guide, and have at least attempted to find some information on your topic before you meet with me.


Contact Me

Profile Photo
Daria O. Carle
Science & Engineering Librarian
Consortium Library, Room 301D