Fuente Academica
Collection of scholarly academic journals from renowned Latin American, South American and Spanish publishers.
ICPSR Direct
Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research. Remote access only for UAA Students from the Anchorage Campus.
Military & Government Collection.
Provides full text for over 330 military related periodicals and general interest magazines.
NBER (National Bureau of Economic Research) Working Papers
Full-text research papers written by NBER economists on a broad range of topics. November 1994 to present.
Social Sciences Citation Index
Multidisciplinary index to the journal literature of the social sciences.
Washington Post
The paper from Washington, D.C.
UAA Political Science Department
Country Studies / Area Handbooks
From the Library of Congress.
Election reform information.
International Affairs Resources
From the WWW Virtual Library.
Public Agenda Online
The Inside Source for Public Opinion & Policy Analysis
State of Alaska Online
Official State of Alaska Website
United Nations
Links to United Nations-related websites
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