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Political Science

This topic guide provides information and resources to support Political Science.

In This Guide

Reference Books

A good place to start gathering information about AMERICAN GOVERNMENT

United States Government Manual   AE 2.108/2:2008-2009  at REF Desk

The American Presidency   REF E 176.2.A653 2004

A Historical Guide to the U.S. Government   REF JK 9.H57 1998

Concise Princeton Encyclopedia of American Political History   REF E 183.C74 2011

The Almanac of American Politics   REF JK 1012.A44 2008

The Citizen Action Encyclopedia   REF JS 303.5.H35 2002

Congressional Quarterly's Guide to the Presidency (2 vol.)   REF JK 516.C57 1996

Encyclopedia of the Republican Party (2 vol.)   REF JK 2352.K87 1997 (vol 1-2)

Encyclopedia of the Democratic Party (2 vol.)   REF JK 2352.K87 1997 (vol 3-4)

Encyclopedia of the American Constitution (6 vol.)   REF KF 4548.E53 2000

The Supreme Court Compendium: Data, Decisions, and Development   REF KF 8742.S914 2007

Encyclopedia of Women and American Politics   REF HQ 1236.5.U6 E52 2008

Web Resources / American Government (a sampler)

  • White House  
    The official web site of the White House, includes messages and speeches from the President, budget information, and press releases. 
  • U.S. Senate  
    Official Website for the U.S. Senate
    The U.S. government's official web portal. It is an easy-to-search, free access website designed to give users a centralized place to find information from U.S. local, state, and federal government agency websites.
  • Congressional Record  
    The Congressional Record is the official record of the proceedings and debates of the United States Congress..
  • U.S. House of Representatives  
    Official Website for the U.S. House of Representatives
  • United States Code  
    The United States Code is the codification by subject matter of the general and permanent laws of the United States.

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Jodi Jacques
Library 301C