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PSY A473 Psychological Testing

Starting Points

An Online Index for Finding Tests in Compilation Volumes


A librarian at the University of Texas at Arlington maintained a site that indexes books with actual tests and measures.  Her site is located here:

Tests and Measures in the Social Sciences: Tests Available in Compilation Volumes


 Recommendations for how to use her pages to find tests:

  • Go to the site (click on the link above)
  • Click on 'UT Arlington (host) web site'.
  • In the search box enter your search terms and the phrase "compilation volumes." For example, if you're looking for tests that measure stress enter the following in the search box: stress "compilation volumes"
  • Or enter:  stress TMdb
  • The results will all begin with TMdb for Tests and Measurements database.  
  • Click on an interesting result link; this will take you to a page with the book's full citation at the top with its contents listed beneath a blue bar.  Do a "Find" (Ctrl + F) for your topic (e.g., stress); any matches will be highlighted in yellow.
  • If that test result interests you, look above the blue bar at the top and make a note of the book in which it appears (title, author, publication date, edition, page number, etc.)
  • Search for the book in the library catalog to see if we have it at the Consortium Library; you can also click on the WorldCat link in each result that follows 'Find this book in a library near you', but it may be quicker just to look in QuickSearch.
  • If we do not have the book, you can request it through interlibrary loan

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Ralph Courtney


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