One of the Library's largest collections of electronic books. Try a search for "business plans" to get started. Many of these books will have sample plans or detailed instructions on how to write a business plan.
The Center provides counseling by trained business advisors on all aspects of small business. Free or low-cost workshops are available, including writing business plans.
The New York Public Library has put together a web portal on Small Businesses that has many tips for writing a business plan.
Business Plans Handbook
REF HD 62.7 .B865 This title contains examples of business plans as well as additional information to help with writing a plan.
The Entrepreneur's Guide to Writing Business Plans and Proposals
HD62.5.C423 2008 This book is for the future entrepreneur who wants to understand the critical issues and feasibility of developing a business venture, while developing and extensive business plan.
Actual business plans compiled by, and aimed at, entrepreneurs seeking funding for small businesses. Presents sample plans taken from businesses in the manufacturing, retail and service industries which serve as examples of how to approach, structure and compose business plans.