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Mat-Su College: Art

A guide for Mat-Su College art courses

What is the library catalog?

The library catalog is an online list of all the books, movies, CDs, video games, and other physical items our library owns. It can also show what other local libraries have.

The Mat-Su College library has lots of books on art and artists. Many of these have been recommended by art professors over the years, so you can be pretty sure they'll be useful for your class! Here are just a few art titles we have available for free checkout:

  • Viking art
  • Art deco, 1903-1940
  • Big art: megamurals & supergraphics
  • The Civil War and American Art
  • The Art of Mat-Su College

Using the library catalog to find physical items

Start by getting to the Mat-Su College Library webpage. You can do this by clicking the "Library" link at the top of any Mat-Su College page:

Library link at the top of the Mat-Su College homepage

Next, enter your search terms in the "Just Mat-Su" search box:

Screenshot of the Mat-Su College Library with the Just Mat-Su search box highlighted

Press enter. In the search results page you will see books, CDs, movies, and the like:

Screenshot of library catalog search results page, showing books

To find a physical item, locate it using its call number (listed underneath the Call # heading). If you're not familiar with how call numbers are used to arrange items in the library, ask a librarian to help you find the item you want!

You can limit your search results to a certain type of item -- say, movies or video games or CDs -- just by clicking the appropriate checkboxes (e.g., "DVD") and then clicking "Include":

Catalog search results with Format checkboxes highlighted

Finding items at other libraries

In the library catalog, you can switch from searching only the Mat-Su College library to searching most Alaska libraries. Do this by using the drop-down menu next to the search bar. Select "All Collections":

Screenshot of library catalog with search location drop-down menu open

Now try your search again using your original (or new) search terms. You now see items from other libraries. Click "Place Hold" next to an item to have these sent to Mat-Su College for free.

Screenshot showing Hold button in catalog interface

You will be asked for your University username and password. After logging in, choose which library to have the item delivered to. Make sure to choose Mat-Su College or whatever library you prefer:

Screenshot showing "Pickup library" menu in place hold dialog

Once the item gets here, we'll call to let you know you can pick it up.