Alaska Digital Library titles can be borrowed and downloaded directly from the library catalog as well as from the Alaska Digital Library site.
Note: Overdrive Titles can not be downloaded on library computers; you can only download titles using your own personal computer or device. Before downloading a title from the catalog, make sure you have your computer/device set up to download OverDrive titles. (You can still read/listen to Overdrive titles online using library computers.)
1. Find an Alaska Digital Library ebook or audiobook title in the catalog. (The title should say "Available for download in Alaska Digital Library" as pictured below.)
2. Click on the Download link.
3. Enter your library card number and PIN (Your card number can be found on the back of your student ID card and the PIN is usually the last four digits of that number. Contact the Circulation Desk if you need help with your number/PIN.)
4. Select the format you want to check out and download. (The format you choose depends on the computer/device you are using.)
5. Click OK to open the file. (This step will vary depending on the computer/device you are using.)
6. The title will open in the program/app you have set up and you can start reading/listening right away.
6. You can manage the Alaska Digital Library titles you have checked out by logging in to your library catalog account and selecting Digital Checkouts. You can also log in to your account on the Alaska Digital Library site and manage your titles there. All of your checked out (borrowed) titles will show up in either place.