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How many Alaska Digital Library titles can I borrow at a time?
You can check out up to 7 titles at one time. You can also have up to 7 holds at one time.
How long can I borrow a title?
You can choose to borrow titles for 7, 14, or 21 days. You can set your default lending period in your My Account settings or you can select the lending period on a title-by-title basis. If you go through titles quickly, you might want to set your default for a shorter lending period. How to change your lending period for digital titles.
Do I have to return titles when I'm done with them?
All titles automatically expire at the end of their lending periods and do not accrue late fees. At the end of its lending period, a borrowed title will automatically disappear from your library account and, if you downloaded the title, it will no longer be accessible from the software you used to download it.
Can I renew a title?
Sort of. When you renew a digital title, it doesn't extend your lending period. Instead, it lets you borrow the title again immediately after your current checkout expires (if there are no existing holds) or it places you on the wait list to borrow the title again as soon as possible (if there are existing holds). You'll see the option to renew a title three days before it's set to expire. A Request again button will appear under the title on your Loans page. How to renew digital titles.
Can I return a title early?
Most titles can be returned before their expiration dates, but there are a few exceptions depending on the format and device. Some items can only be returned early from within the application from which they were downloaded. Other items cannot be returned early and simply expire at the end of the checkout period. See the OverDrive help guide on how to return titles before the end of your lending period for more information.
What is an .acsm file?
An .acsm file is an "Adobe Content Server Message" file. Adobe Digital Editions (ADE) and the OverDrive app use .acsm files to download DRM-protected ebooks. What program do I need to open an .acsm file?