OverDrive titles are available in many different formats. Learn which ones will work best for your particular computer/device.
Once you've borrowed a title, you can read/listen to it online or you can download the title to a computer or mobile device.
Note: Overdrive Titles can not be downloaded on library computers; you can only download titles using your own personal computer or device. Before downloading a title from the catalog, make sure you have your computer/device set up to download OverDrive titles.
Downloading Instructions:
Instructions for downloading titles vary depending on the type of computer/device you are using. In most cases you will have to download a program or app to your computer/device and follow a few basic set-up steps before you can download a title.
Go to the Getting Started guide for your particular computer/device on the OverDrive help page. These guides offer detailed, step-by-step instructions for guiding you through the steps you need to download titles. Following the basic set-up steps in these guides can eliminate a lot of frustration and is highly recommended.
If you are prompted to select the image that looks like the titles in your library's collection, select the option as shown below: