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Mat-Su College: Refrigeration and Heating

A guide for students taking Refrigeration and Heating courses at Mat-Su College.

Introduction: search a single publication

QuickSearch will search through thousands of magazines, journals, etc., at once.

But what if you want to look only at one publication? Maybe you really like Air Conditioning, Heating, and Refrigeration News and just want to browse through it.

Read below to find out how.

Finding links to a single publication

The library website lets you view a list of every publication the library has access to. This list has to read them online.

Let's start by clicking the "Journals by Title" button:

Screenshot showing "Journals by Title" link highlighted

At the next page we'll put the name (or the first part of the name) of the publication we want into the "Find Journal" search box, and click find.

Screenshot of "Find specific journal" searchbox

Now you should see if the library has access to the journal you searched for:

Screenshot showing journal by title search results

Here we see that we have Air Conditioning, Heating, and Refrigeration News in several databases.

Click any of the database links to get online access to Air Conditioning, Heating, and Refrigeration News (you may be asked to login with your UAA username and password if you are at home).

Depending on the database you enter, you might see a different interface, but you should have options to search within that single publication or browse its issues:

Screenshot of an individual journal's page in an EBSCO database

Selected list of RH publications

In print or online, the library has access to a number of heating and refrigeration publications. Here are just some: