It's worth taking a moment to evaluate any source you find. Is it credible? Will it help you make your point, or will your readers scoff at it?
One popular way to evaluate a source is to apply the CRAAP Test. This is a series of questions you can ask about your source. There are no right or wrong answers to the individual questions or the test as a whole. The questions are guides to help you evaluate your source.
- Modified from The Information Literacy User's Guide, pp. 73-76, and Phoenix College's CRAPP detector handout.
It's often easy to tell if an article is scholarly. Once you've seen a few scholarly articles, you'll know the signs. (Complex titles, few if any graphics, identified authors, lots of citations, etc.)
What's harder is knowing whether a scholarly article is any good. Many times you don't even need to know. A scholarly article, any scholarly article, will be "good enough." But if you really want to impress your readers (including the professor), keep reading to find some questions you can ask yourself about a scholarly article.
One way to determine just how good a scholarly article is by looking at who wrote it.
Scholarly articles always include the name and credentials of the author. Credentials include details like the author's level of education and the place they work.
Start with where the author works. Right or wrong, an article will carry more weight if it is written by a professor at a top university such as Harvard or MIT. If you've never heard of the college or university that the author works for don't sweat it.
Now look at the author's name. Do they have a PhD or some other advanced degree? Is it a name you've heard of? It probably won't be, and that's fine, but then again it just might be one of the "big names" you've come across in your research.
If the author is one you've never heard of, don't be afraid of Googling them. Many academics will have a CV (fancy resume) that is easily available online. They might also have a biography page on their college's website. These will tell you how much they've written before.
There are a few prestigious scholarly journals that are somewhat widely known: The New England Journal of Medicine, Science, Nature, Journal of the American Medical Association, and so on. These get namechecked in the news from time to time.
There are also thousands of journals you've probably never heard of before: Antipode, Macroeconomic Dynamics, Canadian Issues, Library Hi Tech, etc.
There are several rating methods that can help you figure out if a journal is "good." These rating methods might look at how many times a journal's articles get cited, or how choosy the journal is in accepting submissions.
There are websites that publish, for free, journal rankings. One that you can easily search is Journal Guide:
There is another way to find more about a journal. Ulrichsweb has detailed information on periodicals such as journals and magazines. It will often say if a journal is scholarly.
Within Ulrichsweb, search the name of the journal you want to check. In the search results, look for a referee jersey icon next to the name of the journal you searched for. The referee jersey indicates that the journal is refereed (aka scholarly or peer-reviewed):
Click the title of a journal to find out more about it.