Have an Apple iOS or Android device?
The EBSCO Mobile App allows you to download eBooks and read them in the app without needing an Adobe ID or the Adobe Digital Editions app.
Most smart phones and tablets are automatically directed to the mobile version of EBSCO, optimizing ebook viewing on these mobile devices. In addition, EBSCO offers apps for Apple iOS and Android devices. You can also check out and download ebooks directly to your computer using Adobe Digital Editions (ADE), and then transfer them to your mobile device for offline reading. See the list of supported eBook devices that work with ADE. |
1. Open your downloaded EBSCO eBook in Adobe Digital Editions. You will be prompted to enter your Adobe ID and password the first time you try to open an EBSCO eBook with Adobe Digital Editions on your computer.
2. Connect your mobile device to your computer.
3. Adobe Digital Editions will automatically detect the presence of your device and will offer to authorize it with your Adobe ID. The mobile device must also be authorized to be able to transfer protected content to and from the device.
4. After authorization, the device appears as a new bookshelf in your library.
5. Transfer items to and from the device bookshelf by clicking on the book title, then dragging and dropping the title into the device bookshelf.
See the Adobe Digital Editions site for further assistance.