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Online Newspaper and Journal Alerts

Receive new content from newspapers and journals through the university's online databases. Learn how to evaluate new sources and navigate filter bubbles and echo chambers.

Filter Bubbles

Filter Bubble

A phenomenon that limits an individual’s exposure to a full spectrum of news and other information on the internet by algorithmically prioritizing content that matches a user’s demographic profile and online history or excluding content that does not. (

Echo Chamber

Echo Chamber

An environment in which the same opinions are repeatedly voiced and promoted, so that people are not exposed to opposing views. (

Break out of the Bubble

Strategies to break out of your filter bubble:

1. Be Aware

  • Check all personalization settings on social media, email accounts, dating services, and web browsers.

2. Read Privacy Statements

  • What are they tracking?
  • What are they sharing?
  • Found across all platforms, not just social media. 

3. Be Mindful

  • How are you searching for information?
  • Try following news stories across multiple platforms and websites.
  • Don't rely on a single source.
  • Try using multiple search engines, or non tracking ones like Duck Duck Go.

4. Examine Your Biases

  • Confirmation Bias- We have a tendency to be more trusting of sources that reinforce what we already believe.
  • Recognize the gaps in your own knowledge.

5. Get the Word Out

  • Talk to friends and family.
  • Advocate for privacy rights to companies


Filter Bubble

Echo Chamber

Strategic Searching