Articles, Ebooks & Other Content
Citations generated in QuickSearch for content include a link to the full-text that will work correctly for off campus access.
- Use the folder icon to add article(s) to the Saved Items folder on results page in QuickSearch.
- Open the Saved Items folder at top right of results page.
- Email the saved items to yourself.
- Copy & paste the long URL provide for each article in the email and use it to create a valid link in courseware like Blackboard or other websites.
Search Results
URLs in QuickSearch are persistent and will work off campus.
- Construct an appropriate search in QuickSearch.
- Copy & paste the URL in the browser address bar and use it it to create a valid link in courseware like Blackboard or other websites.
FYI you can add a bookmark in the browser to access QuickSearch results at a later date.
Specific Journals
QuickSearch can be used to search specific journals.
- Go to the Advanced Search page in QuickSearch.
- Constuct a search using the From this publication field or the ISSN field.
- Use quotes to phrase search the From this publication for a more precise match.
- Copy & paste the URL in the browser address bar and use it it to create a valid link in courseware like Blackboard or other websites.